
Good Old Summer Days Camp

Group 1: 3-year-olds – rising kindergarteners 
Group 2: rising 1st graders -rising 4th graders

Summer camp at Cedarwood Academy is a unique outdoor experience full of backyard summer fun in  the natural world. Participants can look forward to hands-on activities, forest and water play, arts and crafts, and a variety of learning experiences. Daily activities may include: Water play (balloons/sprinklers, small pools), STEM activities, sports, bike riding, painting/sculpting, and more

The camp is facilitated by our professional and caring teachers. 

Dates: July 12-16
Times: 9:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m.

Total Cost: 1st child – $240.00, sibling discount for 2nd/3rd child is 50% -$120.00 (discount is applicable only to siblings, not applicable for cousins, visiting family friends, etc.)

Strict health guidelines, small consistent groups of children to keep everyone healthy!

Registration process: 
1. Email us to receive a registration form.
2. Fill out the form, save as pdf and email back. 
3. Once the form received you will get a payment link. 
4. Complete your payment. 
5. Once completed, you will receive our camp registration confirmation. 

Winter Wonderland at Cedarwood

Winter Wonderland Holiday Camp for rising K-12 year old children 

Date: Friday, December 20
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Total Cost: $65.00 per student

Includes: inventing and packing our own healthy herbal teas and chocolates, crafts, wintry forest games, music, and plentiful opportunities for discovery and explorations.

Space is limited to 30 children. Do not wait, register soon! 

This camp comes from the hearts of our teachers to the entire community as a fundraising opportunity for the school. After teacher/supply compensations are made, all additional money raised will go directly towards the purchase of learning materials for our school.